Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Furniture And Appliances Needed

Lease signed. Check. Bed. Check. TV. Check. DVD player and almost as many DVDs as Blockbuster has. Check. Washer and dryer. Quite possibly a check. Packed.... Ummmmm... I'll leave that to the last possible moment. lmao

There are a few things that I need, though, to sustain my survival. My apartment is completely unfurnished, which means that I will have to find myself a fridge and a stove, unless I want to spend all my money on greasy fast-food all day and all night (ummm... I'll pass on that one).

I'm also looking for a few other things like maybe a wall unit for my living room and a wardrobe for my bedroom. I'm kinda picky though... Keep in mind that my goal is to make my apartment look like the one in the pic from my original Apartment Hunting post. lmao (A girl can dream!)

There are so many things that I possibly need that I can't even think of a list of what they are. I would appreciate some comments and suggestions on where to go and what to get and stuff... As usual, feel free to write me with any information that you'd care to share!

A housewarming party is in the works already... I'll get back to y'all on the 411 about that soon enough! I'm aiming to the hostess with the mostess, as they say!

A bientot!

P.S. This is definitely not to force people into bringing something along when they come over, but here are a few things which I would put to good use... lol It doesn't necessarily have to be THOSE EXACT ITEMS... Similar items would be great as well! And by the way, it's the thought that counts! Thanks guys! xoxo



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