Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Behaviour Diet: 5 Steps to Shedding Those Unwanted Actions And Thoughts

A wise person once told me that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So if you're looking to stop the insanity and shed a few unwanted types of behaviour, then take note of this 5-step program. Step-by-step, you'll surely get the results you're looking for!

The first step, in some cases, can be the hardest step to achieve, which is determining what behaviour it is that you'd like to change. The problem is that we don't always conciously realize we're doing something, and if we don't know that we're doing what we're doing, then we can't change our behaviour. So let's just say, for example, that you want to stop using the word "like" ten times in every sentence, then the first step would be to realize that you say the word "like" ten times in every sentence. The reaction you have at this point towards your behaviour is probably something along the lines of you blurting out a sentence, and then getting frustrated because you realized in hindsight that you just did what you didn't want to do. Relax! You're only at step one!

The second step can actually be a more frustrating step than the first one. During this step, you conciously realize that you'd like to change what you're doing, and you'll realize that you're doing what you don't want to be doing once you're done doing it. An example might be needed here. Let's continue with our previous example of wanting to stop using the word "like" ten times in every sentence. What happens during the second step with this example is that you realize you're saying the word "like" right after it has come out of your mouth. Don't fret, though, because you're only a few steps away from completing your diet!

The third step shows that you are gradually shedding the unwanted behaviour. Continuing on with our example, what happens during the third step is that you realize you're cheating on your diet DURING the actual act, ie while the word "like" is coming out of your mouth. So what happens here is that you stop yourself mid-word, turning "like" to "li...". Instead of being angry at yourself for not getting rid of the bad behaviour completely, you should be proud that you are halfway to your goal, so keep up the good work!

During the fourth step, you are conciously focusing on what you are doing and/or saying at all times. This means that BEFORE you cheat and say what you don't want to say, you think about the sentence about to pop out of your mouth, and then it comes out with no "like" at all (unless you mean the verb "to like", or if you're comparing one thing to another). You know what this means? That you're practically home free!

The fifth and final step is the actual maitenance of your diet. One step at a time, you've attempted to get rid of some kind of unwanted behaviour, and at this stage, you have completely slimmed down. It becomes easier and easier to not do what you don't want to do without even having to think about it.

On that note, I hope that my 5-step diet will help you find the path of least insanity.
For a free brochure, please contact me at 1-INSANE-4-LIFE. Long distance charges may apply.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im about to start a blog again to chart my journey from a catterpiller to a butterfly.

who am i?

Sun Apr 19, 07:59:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Lil Flame said...

Wow. This is quite a challenge. I actually can't think of who you are. I need a clue!

Mon Jun 15, 01:41:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Javi! said...

Ok miss... FIRST of all steps 1 and 2 are fairly similar and SECOND of all you're phone number is waaaaay too long.. where are you in Armenia? LOL

Loved it really :D:D

Thu Jul 30, 12:40:00 AM EDT  

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